Stay Healthy in Your Mind and Body by Doing these 7 Things Daily
“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” True. Isn’t it?
We all value good health and always yearn to achieve a healthy body and mind; however, we simply overlook the true definition of it. In a rush to be fit quickly, we forget that good health is not just about absence of disease or fat, but it involves healthy lifestyle, healthy mental growth and healthy ways of relating to all living beings and nature. This requires regular efforts and not a one or three-month health or weight training program.
We list down few magical steps that you can include in your daily routine to attain healthy mind and body…
Meditate to balance body’s systems: Regular 15-30 minute meditation exercise can help in increasing metabolism of the body, lower blood pressure, provide an ease from stress and anxiety and improve heart rate and breathing. Meditation does not only mean closing your eyes and saying Om, it has other forms too. Like for some cooking is a type of meditation, for others cycling, reading and the like can do the work. Meditation simply means focusing on something that relaxes your brain which is the key to healthy mind.
Add raw food to your diet: Food is the single most important factor that can directly impact your health levels. Choose nature-made food such as raw greens, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and sprouts. They are packed with phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and macro-nutrients. Aim to eat at least one completely raw meal per day. Remember, it is impossible to have a healthy mind if the body is unhealthy.
Exercising intelligently: Moving your body or exercising is very essential to keep fit physically as well as mentally. However, exercising does not mean torturing yourself and puncturing your body by doing excessive workouts in the gym. You can include exercise in your daily routine by climbing stairs; strolling while talking over the phone; doing laundry lifting (lifting a laundry basket full of clothes as it can be a good arm exercising apparatus); indulging in commercial break exercises (while watching TV) like doing some sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks or crunches; cycling throughout your favorite TV shows and doing arm workouts with office chair with wheels.
Laughing out Loud: Laughter may be one of the most basic emotional responses but the impact it has on our mental as well as physical health is huge. A pure and simple laugh can boost the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease stress and tension, reduce blood pressure, act as natural painkiller, help keep diabetes under control and energies mind and body. So, to keep healthy, all what you have to do is ‘LOL’.
Sleeping your way to health: Beauty sleep is not only essential for women to keep off those dark circles but for everyone. A restful sleep of 6-8 hours refreshes the mind, repairs the body, boosts the immune system, releases stress and delays the ageing process of the skin as well as mind. So, sleep your way to healthy body and mind, like literally!
A positive attitude: This can work wonders for your health and kill all the negativity around you. It can increase your life span, fight depression and stress and aid in psychological well-being.
Taking one step forward each day: To stay healthy in your mind and body, you need to work regularly. So, the best is to set small steps that you can easily add to your daily life. Healthy mind and body is all about making the right choices like being active, eating healthy and improving your mental well-being.
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