Ratus is a deep cleansing treatment for women’s intimate part. The treatment helps women reduce excessive vagina discharge, eliminating fungi, discomfort and unpleasant odor and itch and enhance intimacy. The breathing technique used to contract the vagina may help tighten and maintain elasticity of the feminine organ muscle while the warm vapor is steam up your intimate area .

Wow, it isn’t sound bit more like giving your intimate area a spa treat? Nowadays many brides to be still go to the local salons to have the Ratus as one of their pre-wedding ritual, just like you would go to have facial, nail treatments, body polish prior your big day.
Ratus is a mix of Indonesian herbs and spices such as paper beetle leaves, cinnamon, gloves, vetiver (from lemongrass class) boiled in large pot with sufficient amount of water. The warm steam will immediately give the fresh effect and eliminates the unnecessary liquid from the vagina. That is why Ratus is highly recommended for the women before their wedding day, as it is will relax and detoxify and give them fresh odor trough out the day.
Let’s book your ratus treatment today >> https://www.spamalaysia.com.my/product/v-spa-ratus-treatment/
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